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You can earn money online by posting in forums and socializing.
What a brilliant concept that has become and some people have now made hundreds of dollars off of it. For the most part, you are filling out surveys in hopes that it will be accepted. But what if you could make money doing exactly what you do everyday on the Internet.
Yes you can make money by socializing and just talking to people.
myLot has become one of the most popular paid to post sites now on the Internet. You can easily earn money by posting discussion topics, replying to others, posting pictures, and completing tasks. You aren't even required to talk about certain topics. It is all about what you want to talk about with the community.
The minimum payout for the site is $10 and can be easily earned by just spending an hour or two online in a matter of a couple of weeks - and that is without referrals. Build your network and see the money roll in even more.
So you've joined myLot, what do you do next?
First and foremost fill out those interests! By adding interests you are telling myLot what type of discussions you are most likely going to be interested in seeing. Therefore when a new discussion is posted it will be on the top of your screen to easily get to. Also, interests allow you to post your discussion topics in certain areas instead of just general discussion so more people will be inclined to read it and respond.
So you've filled out your interests and now its time to learn the ropes. First go into one of your interests and look at the discussions posted. See one that you like? Go ahead and click it.
Now make sure to make a reply. But be sure to follow these guidelines in order to maximize your payout for your response:
1. Be descriptive - don't just post yes or no, give some concrete and supportive detail behind your response.
2. Make sure your response is at least 3 lines long, 5+ would be the best.
a. myLot doesn't pay out based on the quanity of the posts, instead it is the quality of the posts that matter. Therefore the longer the post, the more quality you have added making it worth a lot more to the community.
b. Any post less than 3 lines will make you either no money or very little money to make a difference. Also, myLot has the right to take away posts that aren't meaningful.
Continuing posting responses to discussions until you get a good feel on the type of discussions that are posted. Once you get the fill of the site and what type of content is the most valuable that is when you want to start making discussions of your own.
Now when you go to make a discussion, be sure the topic is meaningful and isn't a poll or yes/no type of question. myLot will not pay for these types of discussions.
Also be sure not to include ANY referral links. This goes to responses as well. It is against the Terms and Conditions and instead you need to send a message to someone that is interested in signing up under you.
Lastly.. DO NOT disregard those responses!!!
People don't respond to your discussion if they don't think they aren't going to be read. If you find a response interesting be sure to comment back. This is what the site is suppose to be used for. The more you talk and the longer your discussions and replies get, the more money you will eventually get out of starting that discussions.
Next you need to build your network!
What I'm talking about is first building friends on the site. There are plenty of opportunities to add people as friends and once they are your friends there is a section on the discussion page that allows them to see what their friends are posting. And people are more incline to reply to their friends' discussions, which if you started the discussion, it means more money for you.
Also, the friends you gain can also be referrals for other sites. Everyone is looking for other ways to make money and there are plenty of questions asked each day on myLot about new sites to join. If you have become friends with an individual that will see that you genuinely care and its not you just asking them to join another scam site
And lastly gain referrals on myLot. myLot pays you 25% of what your referrals earn. Nowadays it is very hard to find referrals that will be active but it is still possible and the bigger network you have, the less discussions you will have to partake in in order to gain that $10 minimum payout.
Just be sure to post your referral links on blogs, other sites that allow you to do so, email signatures and much more. Get creative!